Legacy Flight Training, LLC
2920 Piper Drive Bldg 13
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Click for Map
Phone :(772) 539-0420
Fax : (772) 539-0451
Bill Inglis, Owner & CEO
Our training center in beautiful Vero Beach, Florida is within walking distance of the Piper factory and knowledgeable mechanics. Come try our state-of-the-art, full-motion simulators. Use your plane for training or a combination of both. Choose from many of the wonderful oceanview hotels and restaurants. Insurance requires yearly recurrent training, so why not train where your airplane was born with a qualified and experienced instructor. Learn your aircraft through complete systems and procedures review, strengthened by applying scenario-based training in the simulator.
Click here for more information about the Value of Simulator Training: /files/785703/The_Value_of_Simulator_Training.pdf
Click here for an interesting article about the history of the Vero Beach Airport: /files/785703/Vero_Beach_Airport_article_in_FATA.pdf
Click Here for Vero Beach Lodging, Transportation and Activities Information: